How To Show Off Your Assets
Want to get your shape back, look like you are 5-10 years younger, two inches taller, and have lost 10 pounds? 1) Get a great, properly fitted bra that will lift your breasts off your ribcage and keep the girls perky and pointing forward. 2) Mom was right. Stand up straight, shoulders back, take a deep breath, head straight, tighten your abs and butt. 3) Put on lipstick and SMILE! Practice looking in the mirror before and after you do this exercise. It gives a whole new meaning to what happens when you let yourself go. Gravity never gives up!
Whether you are short, average, or tall you may be the girl others envy for their legs. Great calf proportion, long for your height, muscular, etc. Shorter skirts, age-appropriate, it’s not your years… it’s those kneepads discussed earlier that will determine how short you can go and still show off your assets without being self-conscious. Skinny pants and jeans were made for your beautiful legs. Dresses, skirts, and pants that have a slit so that your legs really show off are a must in your closet.
Halter tops with a bit of sparkly body powder on your shoulders, square necklines, simple wrap dresses that define the waist to accentuate the broad shoulders. Knit tops that are large enough to have some give in the shoulders will show you off without looking or feeling constricted. Make sure to show or create a waistline by wearing a wrap top or dress with a definite curve at the waist. If you are carrying extra weight, the fabric has to flow. Rayon and silk are good options.
Considered a curse by many, this feature has been mightily maligned. Truth is, it is a distinctly womanly feature. Whether yours is tight and high, or lower and quite round, you can choose to make a dramatic effect by showing it off. Pencil skirts (oh Marilyn, thank you for this one!) or form-fitting knit dresses (thank you J-Lo), or a pair of skinny jeans (go Queen-B!). Accentuate the positive, and the world will never notice your arms, chest, or tummy. Balance the butt with great earrings to keep the eye moving back to your face.
It can be larger or smaller, it’s your choice to call it your best feature. That decision made, deep v-necks, fabrics that cling a bit, dresses, sweaters, and jackets that nip in at the waist in combination with a deep curved or sweetheart neckline, oh, la la! If your skin has gotten crepy but your bosom is still great, tops with sheer netting over the bosom area (nude or to match the color of the top) give a wonderful effect. You can also have such netting sewn into your favorite v-necks and deeply curved necklines to get the effect without the exposure. A little sparkle powder is not out of place!
If you have always had a waistline it has possibly been your most prized possession. Use the HOP TIP above to ensure you can continue to show it off. Clothing that follows your body line, accented with a colorful belt or a wrap dress. Again, a great bra is a must to make sure you have the space you need (your ribcage) to wear a belt without looking chunky. You will look especially good in dresses that curve at the waist and flare at the hip since they create a smooth vertical line and make your waist look even smaller.
The rituals that will make the most difference are:
- Drink enough water
- Get enough sleep
- Do a DAILY skincare ritual
- Smile often, it relaxes your face
To tell the truth, your face will always your best feature because your face tells us who you are from the inside out. After all, it is your most unique identifying feature. Dressing to suit your face shape is outside of this blog, but there are a number of books and thousands of Pinterest posts on the subject. Any enhancement you choose to use: great earrings, lipstick, full makeup, professional procedures, are strictly up to you and your mirror. But they are all secondary to you sharing your joy of living with the world and letting it show for all the world to see.
Be interested in the world and those around you. When you are really listening or completely engaged in a subject, it transforms your face. If you don’t believe me, ask someone a question about something that really interests them and watch their face “light up and come to life” and see how it transforms their look. Repeat this with several people to test the theory. (Spoiler alert, when I do this it always brings tears to my eyes and I fall in love with them all over again.) This is hard to see for yourself in the mirror because you are only looking at your face, but sometimes you will see it in a photo and wonder why that shot really “gets” you. Now you know how to enhance this feature and can make it happen any time you want to be beautiful!
I don’t usually promote on these blogs but I have gotten a lot of comments on how upsetting/frustrating these issues are. If you are still in a dither about your best looks maybe you want to have a short Zoom consultation. $50 for a half-hour to discuss whatever is bugging you. We can explore colors, body shape/clothing styles, hairstyles, even some shopping online if that’s what you want. Just put in a Contact Jean request with your issue in the message. Happy to help!
Great positive blog post!
Thank you Leisa!