How to judge whether to invest in a personal style item
Personal style items are jackets, scarves, shoes, boots, jewelry and purses that are anything but basic. They add flavor and individuality to a wardrobe like spices help foods be more flavorful. Some people like lots of such items and collect them. If you do, you probably love to shop and find your treasures anywhere from vintage and thrift shops to the most expensive boutiques.
Here is a checklist to help you decide if you are having a passing fancy for an item or if it will be true love. Each “yes” answer increases the wardrobe mileage you will get from the items you buy and gives you the maximum results from the clothing dollars you spend.
Before buying, ask these questions:
Is it in your color range?
Does it fit well, flatter your figure and express your personal style?
Does the item work with at least 3 other pieces currently in your wardrobe?
Can you get at least 3 different looks from it?
Is it versatile enough to go from a day of work to dinner out with friends or family?
Can you wear it without having to buy new accessories to complete the look?
Is it well made?
Will it be outdated next year or stand the test of time?
Is it worth the money (cost per wear*)?
Do you REALLY love it?
The first two are non-negotiable, after that if you get four more YES’s, go for it!
*Cost per wear (CPW): the highly subjective value of an item, based on the number of wearings over its useful life compared to the cost of buying the item and maintaining it. Example: The CPW of a great pair of Frye leather boots is extremely low. You might spend up to $600 for the boots, wear them two times per week and have them resoled every few years. Over the 10-20 year lifespan of those boots the CPW is about $0.50 per wear. On the other hand, a pair of $600 black stiletto pumps might end up having a CPW of $25 or $50 if you don’t tolerate heels well. That said, there is an emotional factor here. If you wore the stilettos on the day you got the promotion of a lifetime that could be a fair exchange.